I've had the experience once, with a good friend. I don't know if you would call it "seduction", since it was a mutual thing, and there was alcohol involved

I was up late one night talking and drinking with a friend, and we were sharing some deep insights into our lives, which led to hugging and then neither one of us wanted to let go. When we finally pulled away a bit, we looked deeply into each others' eyes, and we both gave a little smile and naturally came together at the lips. After a few tentative kisses, we started passionately kissing. One thing led to another...
The next morning, things were a bit weird between us, like it almost had been a dream and we couldn't really believe that something like that could have happened. Eventually, we talked and laughed about it, and decided that it really did happen and that one encounter didn't necessarily make us lesbians. We both had relationships with men, and we wanted to keep them, but we also felt so close to each other. We decided that we wouldn't make it a regular occurance, but if it happened again, it would be ok. Well, it never did happen again, and we both have since moved on with our lives. My friend and I talk occasionally, but we're no where near as close as we used to be, so I don't think that any more physical encounters with her are likely.
However, every now and then I think about that night and I do miss the softness of a woman. I'm mostly a straight girl, and I don't even consider myself bi, but I think that for the right person, and if the stars aligned and all the circumstances were right, I could probably seduce another woman.