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Old 08-13-2003, 01:34 AM   #1 (permalink)
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Women Seducing Women

I'm interested in personal experience/fantasies about how women seduce other women. What would you do, and how would you go about it? Who does it involve? Is it a close friend, or a complete stranger? Why did/would you choose to seduce this person?

If you have any success stories, I'd love to hear it. What made it work in terms or technique, etc?
"inhuman fiery goat worship" is an anagram for "information superhighway" -kingvolc
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Old 08-13-2003, 01:59 AM   #2 (permalink)
Location: Somewhere near Hubby
In my case, seduction isn't an issue. I'm usually having sex with a woman for fun and friendship rather than love and passion.

It's almost always a close friend and usually after increasing degrees of physical intimacy over a period of time. Starting with a backrub is the classic and it usually works for me (or on me) if I'm close enough to a woman to consider it.
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Old 08-13-2003, 08:56 AM   #3 (permalink)
Liquid Diamonds
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Location: Lexington, KY
I was seduced by my best friend once!

We were just sitting there, hugging and had our arms over each other. Next thing I knew, she leaned in to kiss me and we were making out!

I've never seduced any woman, but it seems natural to kiss girls because they are so soft and gentle. I've made out with a few girls, but they are all good friends. I've never kissed a strange woman before. Maybe I'll have to try that next.
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Old 08-13-2003, 11:15 AM   #4 (permalink)
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Originally posted by angela146
It's almost always a close friend and usually after increasing degrees of physical intimacy over a period of time. Starting with a backrub is the classic and it usually works for me (or on me) if I'm close enough to a woman to consider it.
*grin* The tickling/backrub method seems to work best in general. If you're comfortable enough to explain in detail, I'd be very much interested in what led to the massage, and how you overcame the fear of rejection or alienating your close friends. How was it different, if at all, from a guy seducing you (or vice versa)? I'm sure you can guess why I'm asking for some input from other women who's had experience with this stuff. *blush*

Originally posted by Plummie
I was seduced by my best friend once!
Woo! Good for you! It sounds like you two had a lot of fun. Being seduced by your best friend is actually not very surprising to me. It sounds like you two has a strong enough bond and comfortable enough to really take your friendship up a notch and explore together, so it makes perfect sense.

Originally posted by Plummie
I've never kissed a strange woman before. Maybe I'll have to try that next.
It's probably going to be a lot more work than seducing someone you already trust, but be sure to let us know how it goes!
"inhuman fiery goat worship" is an anagram for "information superhighway" -kingvolc
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Old 08-13-2003, 11:21 AM   #5 (permalink)
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Just thought of another question that I wanted to ask: What qualities do you look for in a women whom you want to seduce?

Ideally, I'd like someone like myself. Open-minded, petite (maybe a little taller), loving, caring, and trustworthy.
"inhuman fiery goat worship" is an anagram for "information superhighway" -kingvolc
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Old 08-13-2003, 11:23 AM   #6 (permalink)
Location: Somewhere near Hubby
Originally posted by collide
*grin* The tickling/backrub method seems to work best in general. If you're comfortable enough to explain in detail, I'd be very much interested in what led to the massage, and how you overcame the fear of rejection or alienating your close friends. How was it different, if at all, from a guy seducing you (or vice versa)?
Hmmm... OK, I'll write something up for my journal and post here when it's ready. It will be a couple of days, though. Gee, I wonder if any of the guys will enjoy reading it?
I'm sure you can guess why I'm asking for some input from other women who's had experience with this stuff. *blush*
Oh, gosh, I just wouldn't know... He He.

In all seriousness, it's a lot of fun with a good friend. My favorite part is doing her more than getting done by her.
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Old 08-13-2003, 05:24 PM   #7 (permalink)
Location: Jersey
Never done it but interested in trying
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Old 08-13-2003, 08:40 PM   #8 (permalink)
I've had the experience once, with a good friend. I don't know if you would call it "seduction", since it was a mutual thing, and there was alcohol involved I was up late one night talking and drinking with a friend, and we were sharing some deep insights into our lives, which led to hugging and then neither one of us wanted to let go. When we finally pulled away a bit, we looked deeply into each others' eyes, and we both gave a little smile and naturally came together at the lips. After a few tentative kisses, we started passionately kissing. One thing led to another...

The next morning, things were a bit weird between us, like it almost had been a dream and we couldn't really believe that something like that could have happened. Eventually, we talked and laughed about it, and decided that it really did happen and that one encounter didn't necessarily make us lesbians. We both had relationships with men, and we wanted to keep them, but we also felt so close to each other. We decided that we wouldn't make it a regular occurance, but if it happened again, it would be ok. Well, it never did happen again, and we both have since moved on with our lives. My friend and I talk occasionally, but we're no where near as close as we used to be, so I don't think that any more physical encounters with her are likely.

However, every now and then I think about that night and I do miss the softness of a woman. I'm mostly a straight girl, and I don't even consider myself bi, but I think that for the right person, and if the stars aligned and all the circumstances were right, I could probably seduce another woman.
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Old 08-14-2003, 10:25 AM   #9 (permalink)
Location: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
In all honesty, I probably couldn't seduce so much as a house plant, but I had a friend who was willing to experiment. It didn't so much happen "suddenly" as it did through some planning and talking about what it would mean. Neither one of us was interested in pursuing a relationship beyond friendship with the other, with, ah...benefits. I think it worked out well for both of us, that we separated sex from love. It was a chance to...I'm not sure I want to say learn, because that sounds very cold, but experiment, explore, and learn. Like awanderingsoul, we realized that one experience and curiosity did not necessarily make us lesbians. I don't think I'm really interested in actively seducing another woman, but I don't think I'd turn down a good offer, either.
Do I contradict myself?
Very well then I contradict myself,
I am large. I contain multitudes.

-Walt Whitman, Song of Myself
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Old 08-15-2003, 01:12 AM   #10 (permalink)
Location: Somewhere near Hubby
OK folks, it's out there in my journal... one of my "seduction" episodes. This one is as close to a seduction as I can remember, woman to woman.

I'm leaving for the weekend and posting this a little rougher than I normally would.

Talk to you all on Sunday evening or so.
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Old 08-15-2003, 01:40 AM   #11 (permalink)
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I think my jaw dropped five times reading that journal entry. Whoa, mama, that was pretty steamy stuff!

This paragraph more or less summarized the mood and the ensuing jaw drops:

"I slid my hand down to her lower back, right at the point where it aches. She closed her eyes and tensed a little. I was in no hurry. We had all night and the next day and I didn’t really care if it didn’t go very far. I just wanted to enjoy being intimate with her."

I'm really afraid to get this close to my already small circle of friends for fear of losing or alienating any of them. Maybe I need to learn to be more social and expand my network of friends. I don't know, maybe I'm just not ready for that level of intimacy.


You are so very lucky! Hope you have a fun and relaxing weekend. I'm looking forward to reading the rest.
"inhuman fiery goat worship" is an anagram for "information superhighway" -kingvolc
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Old 08-15-2003, 03:56 PM   #12 (permalink)
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i kissed my bestfriend once when we were both drunk
And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.
~Anais Nin
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Old 08-15-2003, 07:57 PM   #13 (permalink)
I've never seduced a women.. actually I've never seduced anyone! I have one the otherhand put some thought into seducing woman. I had this friend that was so cute and had huge tits... she was also really intelligent and a great artist.. needless to say I had a crush. I always thought it would be great to seduce her.. i thought maybe I could somehow bring it up.. or kiss her .. or any number of things that I am not smooth enough to do.. but alas she was married.. so I never had a chance!
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Old 08-15-2003, 10:43 PM   #14 (permalink)
Location: 'bout 2 feet from my iMac
oye, welcome to my life from puberty through the beginnning of college! I could NOT pick an available woman in all that time!! drove me batty.
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Old 08-16-2003, 11:35 AM   #15 (permalink)
Location: UK
I have only made out with one other woman.
I had never met her before that night, but she was a friend of a friend.
It wasn't planned and it involverd a lot of alcohol. She came onto me, although I didn't try to stop her at all! lol!
Was a great night though!

I have been intimate with a friend of mine before, but not actually got off with her, just kissing and breast stroking etc.
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Old 08-17-2003, 06:08 PM   #16 (permalink)
Location: Somewhere near Hubby
Originally posted by collide
[B]I think my jaw dropped five times reading that journal entry. Whoa, mama, that was pretty steamy stuff!
Thank you!!! I love it when my journal entries has an effect on someone.
...I'm really afraid to get this close to my already small circle of friends for fear of losing or alienating any of them. Maybe I need to learn to be more social and expand my network of friends. I don't know, maybe I'm just not ready for that level of intimacy.
Hmmm remember that physical intimacy does not have to be sexual. It's is also a matter of degrees. Give shoulder massages every once in a while. It's fun, it makes your friends feel good, you get to put your hands on them etc. Doing that in a soothing way every once in a while will let women know that you like tenderness and you like giving pleasure.

That may elicit the kind of thing that happened with "K" (i.e. dropping subtle hints that she wants more). At the first sign of tension or reluctance, either back off or talk to her. Give her an opening to say how she feels. Sometimes tension is a lack of comfort and sometimes it just takes time for her to lower her guard. Sometimes it's just that her shoulders are sore.

Even if it never leads anywhere beyond backrubs, it's still good.
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Old 08-17-2003, 06:12 PM   #17 (permalink)
Location: Somewhere near Hubby
Originally posted by Peutetre
I've never seduced a women.. actually I've never seduced anyone! I have one the otherhand put some thought into seducing woman. I had this friend that was so cute and had huge tits... she was also really intelligent and a great artist.. needless to say I had a crush. I always thought it would be great to seduce her.. i thought maybe I could somehow bring it up.. or kiss her .. or any number of things that I am not smooth enough to do.. but alas she was married.. so I never had a chance!
Being married isn't necessarily a show-stopper. A lot of husbands wouldn't be jealous of another women (as long as they get to hear all the intimate details).

Also, gentle soothing touching is a much better way to start. Kissing is often way down the road. A woman doesn't have to admit to herself that she's bi if she accepts a massage or backrub. Kissing is another matter. That can be a big hurdle for some women.
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Old 08-17-2003, 09:47 PM   #18 (permalink)
Thanks for the advice! unfortunatly I live across the country from her now!
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Old 08-22-2003, 11:16 AM   #19 (permalink)
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i totally want to experiment. and my bf does too. and we had this friend who was like this really loving third wheel. and we'd lay in bed for hours cuddling but we just never had the guts to act on anything. i think it was weird for her cause she loved us but it was like being just inside the outer layer of something with many layers, you know? i don't know if anything will ever happen, but i would like it to. my group of friends is very touchy but all in a fun playful way so it would be hard to get anyhwere past like a closed mouth kiss i think without the whole small town talking about me being some crazy lesbo who tries to kiss her non lesbian friends. i have a feeling some of these small town minds are more open, but i'm just not ready to risk to find out which ones.
"When I look down I just miss all the good stuff. And when I look up I just trip over things"
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Old 08-23-2003, 05:16 PM   #20 (permalink)
Location: Somewhere near Hubby
Originally posted by shannon
i totally want to experiment. and my bf does too. and we had this friend who was like this really loving third wheel. and we'd lay in bed for hours cuddling but we just never had the guts to act on anything. i think it was weird for her cause she loved us but it was like being just inside the outer layer of something with many layers, you know? i don't know if anything will ever happen, but i would like it to. my group of friends is very touchy but all in a fun playful way so it would be hard to get anyhwere past like a closed mouth kiss i think without the whole small town talking about me being some crazy lesbo who tries to kiss her non lesbian friends. i have a feeling some of these small town minds are more open, but i'm just not ready to risk to find out which ones.
It works best if you stick to close friends. Fewer is better. One at a time is easiest. Maybe you can talk to your third wheel first instead of kissing her. Tell her a little of how you feel and ask how she feels about women with women in general.

How about back rubs?

BTW: in this kind of situation, sometimes it's best to put the third wheel in the middle. You and your BF can lie on either side of her and make her the center of attention. Put her needs first. Team up on her and make her feel good.

Remember, if things don't work out, you and BF still have each other. She doesn't have anyone to fall back on. So... you have to make her feel secure.

Try something and tell us how it goes. We would all like to hear a good success story!
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Old 08-26-2003, 09:53 AM   #21 (permalink)
Location: Somewhere between the Havens and the Earth
grrr. . . i got caught. I didnt know that one of my good friends had a crush on me until. . . we went out drinking one night and i got totally smashed, next thing i know shes kissin me and shit, i didnt freak out but in my mind i thought it was a guy not a girl. . . until i woke up. i will admit that it wasnt bad or anything i just dont think i would ever go pro ya know, but i am still open to it if soemthing like that should happen again.
from the Havens I have fallen. . . to the earth as a mangled form. . . writhing in pain, my wings torn and bloodied. . . I have one purpose, only one goal. . . to find you and love you, for I am your. . . fallen angel
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Old 08-26-2003, 07:56 PM   #22 (permalink)
Location: if you want to know, you'll ask
Originally posted by collide
Just thought of another question that I wanted to ask: What qualities do you look for in a women whom you want to seduce?

Ideally, I'd like someone like myself. Open-minded, petite (maybe a little taller), loving, caring, and trustworthy.
Yes, someone that has the same values you do. Maybe your build, but there is some leeway here, AND someone who is feminine!!! I had a friend hit on me and I was NOT pleasureable at all. And it was in a resturant with a couple friend of ours (on TFP) and they know this interests me and were pretty shocked at the forwardness of the friend.

The reason it was not comfortable was because she is SO masculine it's scarey. She does not shave her legs. She is sporting a 'pubic hair' mustache and is proud of it.

If I am going to sleep with a woman, it is because she is a woman, not a woman trying to be a man. Sorry, but that's just me!
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Old 08-26-2003, 07:59 PM   #23 (permalink)
Location: if you want to know, you'll ask
Originally posted by awanderingsoul
but I think that for the right person, and if the stars aligned and all the circumstances were right, I could probably seduce another woman.
hmmm let me give you my address!
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Old 08-26-2003, 08:11 PM   #24 (permalink)
Location: if you want to know, you'll ask
Bummer! I cannot read the journal! It says I am not authorized? Can anyone help? I tried help, but it kept erroring on my email account

As for an experience, when I was in college, I was home for a weekend and staying at a friends apartment.

It was one of those seductive type things with the eye contact and she kissed me, then FLEW out of bed apologizing... I tried to grab her to tell her it was okay but I missed and I was too drunk to follow her.. damn.

I have wondered ever since.
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Old 08-27-2003, 12:07 AM   #25 (permalink)
Location: Somewhere near Hubby
Originally posted by Baileys
Bummer! I cannot read the journal! It says I am not authorized? Can anyone help? I tried help, but it kept erroring on my email account
Whose journal?
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Old 08-28-2003, 01:03 PM   #26 (permalink)
Location: Long Beach CA
My life as a bi female...makes me want to cry. My only real experience was when I was in a high school, when my best friend spent the night and we were together in my tiny bed. We were both just laying there, pretending we were asleep, and thinking about each other, when we both just sorta reached out and held each other for a long time. There was a little bit of touching and feeling and a kiss on the cheek, but then we fell asleep. We told each other that we loved each other, but she decided that she was too scared for us to carry on a relationship (we lived in a really homophobic area, and my parents are included).

Since I moved to college, I tried desperately to find a chic, if only to have sex, or something, as I was all pent up and dying to have a real experience. No luck, no luck, then I met this guy and fell in love with him. Then, I meet this awesome girl, who falls in love with me, but we can't be together.

If discussed it a lot with my boyfriend, and he feels really strongly that me doing anything with ANYONE, would cheating. I respect this, but I think he has a hard time understanding that I feel like half of my life is missing, sometimes. Whenever I try to explain, I think that he feels like I couldn't possibly love him enough if I still want to be with someone else.

Sorry, I guess this turned into more of a "lesbian woes" than a how to seduce women. Anyway, I totally feel where you're coming from, collide, meeting chicks is really hard, because you feel like if you make a pass at a close friend, you might lose them, and finding complete stranger lesbians is tough. Also, I'm totally jealous of you, angela146, because you are in a situation where you can do whatever you can, want, or need to do. You always offer great advice, but in my case, I don't think there's anything to do about it.
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Old 08-28-2003, 03:19 PM   #27 (permalink)
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Oh, by all means, feel free to vent your frustrations here. There is no need to apologize.

I still haven't tried to make a move on any of my friends for all the same reasons, but I'm a pretty patient person, and I really don't want to set myself up for disappointment, so if it happens, it happens. If not, then I guess that would be fine as well because I won't have to worry so much about possibly losing a friend.
"inhuman fiery goat worship" is an anagram for "information superhighway" -kingvolc
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Old 08-28-2003, 07:06 PM   #28 (permalink)
Location: if you want to know, you'll ask
Originally posted by angela146
Whose journal?
Your journal. I thought it was open to read your message on how you seduced a woman?
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Old 08-28-2003, 07:09 PM   #29 (permalink)
Location: if you want to know, you'll ask
Originally posted by siryn
as I was all pent up and dying to have a real experience. No luck, no luck,
This is my story too.

However, in regards to the cheating part, I look at it this way. If you are looking for a woman, you are looking for something a man cannot give you. To me, that is not cheating. Sleeping with another man, that would be.

I bid you comfort in your search.
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Old 09-02-2003, 08:23 PM   #30 (permalink)

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Old 09-03-2003, 09:18 AM   #31 (permalink)
Location: Long Beach CA
Originally posted by Baileys
If you are looking for a woman, you are looking for something a man cannot give you.
I agree. I think my bf understands this, but he is aware of the fact that he would still be jealous and couldn't handle it. In that case, I understand where he is coming from. I feel conflicted about the whole thing, because, tho I know you're right, it's really hard to explain to your bf that he is not enough for you. It musts be pretty trying to hear anything that suggest that.

While sometimes I wish he were the type of boyfriend that welcomes the idea of watching me "do" another girl, or having a threesome, I remember when I told my first bf that I was bi and him responding in said way. I also remember feeling somewhat offended at the fact that he didn't seem to respect the fact that as well as being attracted to girls, I love them too. He refused to think that it was possible for a girl to put up any competition against him and completely denied the possibility of me leaving him for one. That disrespect of lesbians made me think a little differently about the opportunity of taking advantage. In that way, I respect my boyfriends decision, and I would never infringe on those boundaries.
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Old 09-04-2003, 10:14 PM   #32 (permalink)
Location: Dallas
No...not really....But it sounds like fun... (angela146...I think need to read your journals. heh heh )
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Old 09-08-2003, 05:54 PM   #33 (permalink)
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Location: Between Boredom and Nirvana
So many of us ladies are curious. Some experiment and some don't. It's natural to share these feeling of lust and love. I have the hots for Jade Hsu the Asian Porn Star who is - as my gorgeous bf said, "simply stunning!" He loves her too.

I guess we ladies can fantasize about women but for many of us cn act out these hot dreams so we just dream and never get the opportunity to really act out those types of fantasies which is sad. Luckily I live around lots of lovely Asian women and it does make me look twice on any given day.

Ain't it great to be human and aware of all the love WE ARE CAPABLE OF?

"The love you make is equal to the love you take..." John Lennon.

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Old 09-08-2003, 06:29 PM   #34 (permalink)
Location: O-H-I-O
I was seduced by one of my bf's girl friends. Well, kinda.

She was going through a rough time, just gotten a DUI and lost her job, so my bf decided to invite her along to a Rollins spoken word we were going to. She lived just down the road from the venue and could put us up for the night and we would buy her ticket and get her drunk.

Well, we got to her place and she had been drinking a bit, so we settled in and had a few while we waited for the cab. An hour or so later...no cab. Well, my bf decided that we should just go ahead and drive over since we were on the verge of missing the show, well, when we got there; they were no longer admitting people. We formed another plan to visit the bar where J's roommate worked.

In the first 15 mins, J asked my bf if he would mind if she did a body shot off of me and he agreed. She did her shot and I got all excited and asked her to do one with my bf. Then I did one off of her.

More and more liquor and beer and playing, we're all trashed, having a great time...J and I are kissing and rubbing each other very enthusiastically in the middle of the bar. Mind you we thought we were the only people in the place.

By this time her roommate is getting pissed because we're making a scene in the bar and she tells us to take it upstairs. Well, this little bar has an attic that I assume is for storage, but people use it for other things . Anyhow, J and I end up making out and going down on each other in a dark, musty storage room. It was hot.

After a while, we stumbled back down to the bar area and found my bf. It was closing time, so we headed back to J's place. We ate some Taco Bell and hung out and when everyone was sleepy (fuzzy details) we all ended up in J's bed.

The night seemed to go on for hours, starting with myself and the girl getting freaky and then deciding it was time to please my bf. We had some of the best sex I could imagine, switching between him and her, me and him, her and me. I will seriously try my hardest to never forget that night. It was PHENOMENAL!

Since then, I've hung out with this girl twice (she lives about an hour away) and there has been nothing but good vibes between the three of us.

Now she has a bf and they're very happy together, so I'm sure there will be no second occurrence, but I can always hope.
It's best not to be too moral...you cheat yourself out of too much life. - Maude, Harold and Maude.
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Old 09-10-2003, 11:10 AM   #35 (permalink)
Location: Idaho
I finally admitted to myself that I am bi about a year ago, it took me three days to get the courage to tell my husband. He was so cool about it, to the point of telling me that if I needed to go find myself he would still be there when I got back.

I've only kissed a couple of girls, my best friend a couple of times and my husbands friends girlfriend (because she never had) all of these while drunk.

I agree with the whole friend thing, my only problem is that I really only have one good friend. Not that I'm ugly or dumb, I'm just a house wife who doesn't get out much. Anyway, I've talked to her about it and we both desided 17 years of friendship was much more important. The husband would prefer her, but I've explained the whole thing about not wanting to have things to get wierd.
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Old 03-02-2006, 11:29 AM   #36 (permalink)
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Location: in love
i just flirt my ass off and look cute.

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Old 03-02-2006, 07:45 PM   #37 (permalink)
Cosmically Curious
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Location: Chicago, IL
The idea of seducing another woman is actually not something that appeals to me. The whole idea of seducing is to convince someone to do something that they wouldn't normally consider. To me, giving a female I'm attracted to a back rub, etc with the intent to get her interested in more is just disrespectful. So is flirting with someone who you don't know will be comfortable or welcoming to it.

Yeah, it means that picking up a girl is going to be more difficult because it involves paying attention to clues and going slowly so that you are sure you're not stepping over any boundaries. If it's someone you're friends with, I find casually bringing up the general idea of bisexuality and stuff like that in conversation and joking around helps a lot. Talk about it to get their feelings on the matter, but don't make it clear that you might be interested in them until you know where they stand on the issue in general.

As someone who considers herself bisexual but has only had limited experience so far, I still think this is the best way to go. Sure, it means it's going to be more of a process to find someone who is open to the idea in general and with you, but it's also a lot more honest toward the person you may be seeking to get involved with. If you're looking for one night stands and are not worried about the consequences, I guess that doesn't matter, but if you're looking for something more than that, I know I've been happy with the results so far
"The world is so exquisite with so much love and moral depth, that there is no reason to deceive ourselves with pretty stories for which there’s little good evidence. Far better it seems to me, in our vulnerability, is to look death in the eye and to be grateful every day for the brief but magnificent opportunity that life provides"
-Carl Sagan

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Old 03-03-2006, 06:22 AM   #38 (permalink)
I'm not a blonde! I'm knot! I'm knot! I'm knot!
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I have not been involved in a seduction sort of scene. But I have been with several women and enjoyed it. Since hubby and I swing we have the opportunity to look for bisexual women who are interested in meeting new women to enjoy.

One friend that I've been with many times, I really do enjoy. One time when Hubby and I were visiting them she and I took a shower together. The guys wanted to come in and watch or even join us. We shooed them out because we wanted some time just to ourselves. It was also a side benefit that it was a tease to the guys and we got extra attention from them when we got out.

My best experience was with a girl who was about my age and very similar in build and looks. She was quite different in personality and more shy and feminine than I am. I think I'm drawn to that type of girl a little more.

Lately I've had some awesome puerly lesbian dreams. Just an example - this week I dreamt about being a nude model for a college art class. There were two other female nude models there. The three of us were posing together in a hug and ended up kissing and playing while the students painted us in different positions. Afterwards I looked at the paintings and it was just as erotic a dream as the moment with the girls. I hope this wasn't too much of a rabbit trail. I've just been dying to share it.
"Always learn the rules so that you can break them properly." Dalai Lama
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Old 03-03-2006, 05:26 PM   #39 (permalink)
32 flavors and then some
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Location: Out on a wire.
I have fortunately never needed to. I'd have been awful at it, with my complete inability to flirt.

My first time with Grace it was pretty much a mutual thing. We went out on our date, and by the time we got back for some tea, it was pretty obvious that we were going to be doing something together that night.

I asked her, and she said the same thing. I was her second girlfriend, and with her first it was more of a best friends with benefits type of thing that just happened.

I'm against ending blackness. I believe that everyone has a right to be black, it's a choice, and I support that.

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Old 03-03-2006, 06:30 PM   #40 (permalink)
32 flavors and then some
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Location: Out on a wire.
Originally Posted by collide
Just thought of another question that I wanted to ask: What qualities do you look for in a women whom you want to seduce?

Ideally, I'd like someone like myself. Open-minded, petite (maybe a little taller), loving, caring, and trustworthy.
Ideally, I'd be looking for an Asian woman, preferably Japanese, very tall, say about 5' 9", because I want to be able to look up into her eyes when we dance and lay my head on her shoulder when we dance. She should be a little younger than I am, with dark brown eyes that have green and gold flecks. I've heard nurses are hot, and I have bad arm, so I want a nurse, and oldest children are more responsible than middles, so she should be an oldest child. And it would be nice if she were a sexually dominant femme lesbian, cuz I'm a sub myself.

Or if there aren't any like that available, a bubbly, flirty, bisexual Irish lass who changes hair color frequently would be equally impressive.

I'm against ending blackness. I believe that everyone has a right to be black, it's a choice, and I support that.

~Steven Colbert
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seducing, women

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