Originally posted by AntHackerX
Mario Sunshine was a great game.
The problem that you are having with the camera is a problem of not being able to control it properly. You have to make the camera an extension of yourself. Its different than any other 3-D Platformer in that aspect. Leaves the camera almost 100% in your hands. Sure, may be annoying to some, but it gets fairly easy once you get the hang of it.
Originally posted by CyCo PL
Sunshine wasn't really that hard, there's just certain little parts of the game where you have to try over and over to beat them. But guess what? They're all possible, and they're not that hard if you can learn from your mistakes.
What fun is a game if you can just breeze through the whole thing anyway? There have been points where I wanted to throw the controller at the TV, but it was rarely because of camera issues, because I have *complete control* over the camera with the C stick. It was mainly stuff like not jumping quick enough, or late enough, not bouncing off a wall in the correct angle, etc.
Agreed, except the camera does cost the occasional death in my case. *shrugs* No biggie, anyways; I feel like the camera's excellent on the most part, but it can't be perfect in every situation of the game. Like I believe I've already said, the hardest part about beating the game is collecting every last Blue Coin there is, and that's pretty much for perfectionalists only. For people who wanna just beat the game, I think its difficulty is excellent, and if anything should be just a touch harder (just make Bowser something more than a really REALLY
RREEAALLLLYY easy Final Boss, and I'd not complain about the difficulty anymore, excluding my Blue Coins gripe).