So, I was with my girlfriend last night. We had fun for several hours. But just as I decided to put the condom on, my libido went south. I guess I waited too long (this was probably 3 hours of erectness without use). I said sorry, she brushed it off and we went to bed. 2 hours later I woke her up and we were able to finish.
I want to know two things. First, how often does this happen to the people out there? I'm in my early 20's I wasn't expecting this crap till I was 40 or 50. Could it have been because I spent so long screwing around?
Second, I said I was sorry. She said it was ok, but I could tell from the sounds she was making, I messed up bad. She wanted me. We did finish the act later on in the night, now I am wondering if I need to apologize further, or if I should leave it at this.
People here give golden advice, so I'm wondering what they think about this one.