Originally posted by reconmike
However I do want the world to know that if you cross the US an ass whoopin is in your very immediate future.
Woah dude, cuz lord knows those Iraqi's, they sure crossed us a whole lot, they completely deserved everything they got. I'm like, so totally grateful we found and got rid of all those WMP, phew, i can sleep soundly at at night.
edited...yet again
And is my life better...nope, not that much worse, other than money being tight, but my parents' jobs are pretty secure. although i can't say he same for many of my friends' family's. on a side note, you can call FDR a dictator, i don't agree whatsoever, he was reelected, he didn't exactly put on a coup de ta, and people honestly loved him as a leader, he was brilliant. But, if you insist... i'd still take a lifetime of dictatorship under FDR over a single term under Bush.