I used to be a fanatic about changing my own oil and would never dream of taking it somehwere to have it done. I have to say I must be getting old because to me it is just not worth the hassle of a do-it-yourself job when the Express Lube Center down the street will do it in 10 minutes for $19.95. Even if I do it myself I will spend close to $10 on oil and filter. So I have compromised and I now have my oil changed but I stand by and make sure they do everything to the standards I would have if I were doing it at home.
The lube places and the oil advertisemnts will tell you to change your oil every 3,000 miles.... unless you are having engine poblems like worn rings that cause your car to use a lot of oil it really only needs to be changed every 5 to 6 thousand miles.
The first few oil changes on a new car are the most important becasue that is when you any matal shavings will float around in the crankcase from the interanl parts "breaking in".
Some folks will say that you don't have to change filters on every oil change but I do it anyway. What's the point of putting fresh oil in the engine if you are going to contaminate it with the stuff in the filter?