I can wait and I'm pretty sure she can too, but its just painful having to do so. I know shes young but in all seriousness shes more mature than I am and at least as intelligent, so I'm pretty sure its not just an obsession with first boyfriend sort of thing.
Shes adopted and doesn't plan on having anything to do with them as soon as she can get out. I understand that the way they feel is not completely insane, but they know absolutely nothing about me. They wouldnt even talk to me on the phone to find anything out. They made her choose between a long awaited trip to germany and continued contact with me, and still didnt let her have me. She had paid for this trip and wasnt able to get her money back. Her dad beats her, her mom watches it at thinks she deserves it. So yeah they could almost be reasonable in protecting their daughter but to me it seems more like a sick power trip than any real concern.
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