Relationship help
My girlfriend and I met online, hit it off, decided to meet in person. Then comes the problem. Shes 16, im 19. Her parents think im too old for her and have told me to fuck off for a while if shes worth it. We're impetuous teenagers and obviously cant just wait patiently until she cant be legally controlled by the tyrants. They've removed her (paid for by her) phone line and internet, so we can only talk when she goes out to the library. She does this every day, so it could be worse. We've snuck a visit in since they cut us off but it was really stressful sneaking around the whole time. However, we really would like to have phone contact again. We had great phone sex for a while, and would love to have it back. She cant set up a cell phone for herself not being 18 and we cant find any companies that provide to her town that I can set up from here and have mailed to her. Does anyone know a company that can do mondovi, buffalo county, wisconsin, usa? Small little backwater town, very annoying. Any advice in general? We're in love and it doesnt feel like cliched infatuation. We're in it for the long haul so please no, "find a closer pussy man". All comments greatly appreciated, thanks.
wank-free since erm... yesterday. Join the partnership for a wank-free tfp. Learn to control yourself occasionally, it is worth it.