The first reaction people have when you tell them that you "believe" is one of mild agreement.
When you start to theorize it becomes a futile effort as the average person in the street couldn't care less about this sort of stuff and will be inclined to dismiss and think of you as a borderline nutcase.
It is natural human behaviour.
Afterall,the mortgage to pay and the kids to raise is the dominating factor in our lives.
No one needs to think about life outside the planet Earth.
A few people here do though by the looks of it.
I have only had a few things happen to me that might be described as "out of the ordinary" and these are nothing more than deja vu experiences.
At the end of the day I am of the view that something may be out there and to just simply dismiss is to have a closed mind.
Tilted Paranoia.(Who would have thought)?
Got massive reservations about posting here but you only live twice and I am always up for a good probe.
I was hoping to be able to update this thread on a regular basis because I like to keep all my conspiracies in one place,and Iv'e got a lot of stuff to share.
So if thats OK I will continue like this.
To start.
MPEG format video footage of various sightings around the world.