You also get the Florence Nightingale type of women, who thinks there is something wonderful inside the violent loser they're dating.
These are the type of women who have found that it's easier to deal with somebody else's problems than their own.
I told a friend last year that if she dates another dimwit asshole without self-confidence, she's got the choice between a convent and becoming a lesbian. I'll enforce it.
It's crap when you sit at a coffee-shop talking, and suddenly six Vietnamese drug dealers show up to stare at you, because the friend you're meeting is the girlfriend of one of them.
I used to have patience with these types of things, but when some women get beat up because they LIKE violent men who has "respect", my empathy has run dry.
I'm not saying women has it coming. But I've seen too many firestarters over the years, to know that in some cases, it's karma. If you like to see people get beat up for no reason - and even try to cause it to happen - then it's likely YOU will get beat up for no reason one day.
Some guys follow the patterns Angela listed as well - women can be just as good at mental abuse as men.
The above was written by a true prophet. Trust me.
"What doesn't kill you, makes you bitter and paranoid". - SB2000