My week now involves getting up monday through friday at 7:30, I live in NYC and walk to work which takes about half an hour with a stop for coffee (about 1.5 miles one way). The walk has been good for me, but the weather has been either very humid or raining lately... I spend my days checking out satellite images and other spatial data sets trying to come up with new and inovative ways to understand, and protect some of the worlds most endangered ecosystems. Lately our focus is in Vietnam, Bolivia, and Madagascar. It is amazing work, and I am definately happy for it. I get back to my apartment at about 6PM after connecting with my girlfriend who also works near by. We live together now after almost four years of dating. We go to the gym, cook dinner or get takeout and watch TV and mess with the TFP and other websites. Weekends seem so short now, I go out to a bar or two, try to get out to a park and often see my family in New Jersey. It's strange, now that I'm older and work full time, I am looking forward to the end of summer... Bring on the fall!