My day is different and the same all the time.
Most days I am up between either 630-7am or around 9am. Depending on my hours at work that day. They are never the same.
Head to work. Never on time.
Have a great day at work or a really bad day depending on how many animals died or who we healed that day.
Head home. Eat something. Not picky about what. Just something quick because I am by myself
Check my mail(something I do way to much)
Check TFP see what is happening.
Talk to my boyfriend usually a couple hours. (we are long distance right now)
This is my life Monday thru Friday and every other Saturday when I work.
On the weekends I usually sleep a whole hell of a lot. Go to Alabama to see my man, or he might be home here and then I would spend all my time with him.
I dont go out and party or drink really at all. I might go out to dinner with my girlfriends or hang out at someones house.
I like the quite life, every now and then I will get rowdy though
Sundays are usually spent visiting the parents or cleaning or maybe watching movies and relaxing.