bollocks is english slang I believe, since you don't seem to recognise it... (not a native english speaker)
it's a vulgar way of calling it bullshit, basically bollocks equals nuts, balls, cojones & other male genitalia.
As for the incoming generalisation: well, it is actually true. The OT is the foundation of the NT, but other than the fundamental value of some things, it is the NT that preaches, and the OT "fills in the gaps".
Like DoomDoom said, it's there and we regard the NT as the fulfillment of the OT. Like we were taught, Moses made a pact with God and the Jews lived by it, believing the messias will come some day. We believe they lived as they did, and He did come, and during His live and through His death He made a new pact with God, It's the new pact we should honor.
So without the OT, there can't be a NT for us. If you deny history, you in a way are denying your present it's value as well.
Also, the things I say are what I remember from 10 years ago, so forgive me if I make a mistake here and there. That's also why I asked where it spoke of masturbation.