Originally posted by NeverBorn
Why do people advently take the side of one company when a console comes out. Who fucking cares, thats like yelling at someone for liking a certain type of ice cream. Grow up and get over it. Some consoles cater to different tastes and different peoples, thats no reason to start a fucking holy crusade or something. I own an x-box, go ahead start the bashing I can take it, but the reason I bought it was for the mech games. What other system has Steel Battalion?.. None. I have access to a Ps2 and a Game Cube. The Ps2 is good too, there are some really solid tried and true tested games for it and it has a strong support. Game Cube is alright, I don't hate it, there just isn't that many games that appeal to me for it, but the ones that do are better than alot of other games. My gaming media of choice is still pc, but that doens't mean I hate console gaming in general.
In short, a console is just a machine, not way of life. GET OVER IT
X-box sucks you loser! Atari 2600 4 Lyfe! R-E-S-P-E-C-T!
Why can't we all just get along?... not you you Gaycube lover! lol