Re: Questioning Homosexuality
"For the longest time I believed that homosexuality is a sin. I believed that although it is a sin, I sin too so I shouldn't make fun of homosexuals, nor discriminate them from being my friends. But after a long while, I began to think about it even more. I thought, "What if I fell in love with a girl and my God told me that by loving her I am sinning?" I realized that's what's happening with homosexuals. They are being told that loving another person is a sin. Doesn't Jesus teach that the two most important things in life are to love God and love each other?"
Loving each other has nothing to do with having sex with them. God isnt telling us to nail as many people as we can because He told us to "Love" them. The emotion of love is not the sin, it is the physical act outside of marriage.
"But still, I couldn't bring myself to question what I believe is God's Word (the Bible). So I began to question its teachings; what others have interpreted it to say. I look back at Sodom and Gomorrah, and yeah, those guys were gay and God punished them. But then it clicked. There was something else at play there. They tried to rape him. Maybe God was angry about that? Maybe God was angry because they were using sex as a way to show power over another rather than a way to show love to each other?
So that is my current belief; that the Bible says nothing about homosexuality being a sin, but that when it said that rape is a sin, it just so happened to use a homosexual encounter. Maybe it was there to show that homosexuality has been around just as long as heterosexuality? Who knows? But I do know that Jesus would never teach us that loving each other is a sin."
The bible actually does say that homsexuality is a sin. For starters check out Romans 1:24 - 32(?) There are other examples you can find if you look. Its not just an old test thing. Love the sinner, hate the sin. Just because you love someone doesnt mean you have to approve of everything they do