IMHO, you have committed a common error whilst studying the Bible -- you are using it to justify your feelings. The Bible has been used for ages in just the same way to defend both sides of many issues.
Homosexuality is condemned, you say, with the story of Sodom; therefore, it is a sin.
Masturbation has been condemned because of Onan's deeds; have you sinned?
You say that watching two women "engage" turns you on; do you covet them? If so, you're sinning again.
Do you eat pork? Another sin! (and don't say that your being Christian negates this law... if it does, then it also negates your argument against homosexuality. Old Testament law either counts or it doesn't).
Please don't rationalize your fears regarding homosexuality by invoking the Bible. That is, in my opinion, what you are doing.
As it is just my opinion, I could be wrong.
Always question authority... it'll keep the bastards on their toes!