Perfect Dark
Conker's Bad Fur Day
WWF No Mercy
Mario Kart 64
Mario 64
Legend of Zelda: Ocarina (sp?) of Time
Super Smash Brothers
Starfox 64
Mario Tennis
Right there's my 10, and one of 'em is a 3rd-party title too (No Mercy). I would proudly take a new N64 with any combination of four of those games before I'd accept a new PS2 with any games I wanted. In fact, the same with the X-Box, though I really look forward to Halo 2 and the future games Rare will have for it.
Yes, I'm serious.
(Oh, and madcow7sd...truth be told, I never saw what people liked about Majora's Mask *shrugs* Just wasn't my kinda thing)
"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act, but a habit."