Hey all,
I just figured we ought to have this thread to review and talk about our various experiences with guns.
Well here's mine:
I've had a good amount of experience with Beretta 92fs, and the S&W Sigma .40
I'm not sure what type of ammo i used, because i usually don't pay attention to it.
Eitherway when i first fired the Sigma i found that it was much more accurate, though the trigger was very mushy. (probably due to the glock style safety of "longer trigger travel") That type of trigger imho has it's good and bad points, the good being that you can squeeze it without any variation in pressure and thus get off a more accurate shot...the bad being..well you don't really know when it's going to finally shoot.
Still, the sigma 40 is pretty accurate...i think the best i got ~ 5" groupings (bear in mind i'm not a professional shooter) @ 25 feet (or was it yards?)
The 92fs was bought for me for my birthday...i'm a big fan of the Beretta series. It's (her? hehe i call her betsy

) safety system suits my preferences quite well. When engaged, the gun decocks itself, and the trigger is no longer works the hammer...(sorry that sounded bad). What's also cool is that the rear of the firing pin turns upwards...so there's no way for the gun to accidently discharge..(though i believe there's also other mechanics in the gun to prevent it from discharging when dropped.
There's also another spiffy thing..when a round is chambered, there is a visible line of red on the shell extractor (but i think the paint fell off...cuz now it's no longer visible...

Now shooting the gun is uber comfortable, most likely due to the ergonomic shape of the handle (well it's comfortable in comparison to the sigma). At first when i shot the gun, i found that i was highly inaccurate...so this gun IMO needs alot more getting used to than the sigma. However once used to it..i was about to get about 3-4" in groupings...great stuff.
Oh yeah one more thing...they're both easy to field strip, but i guess most pistols are