I'm a doctor and a weightlifter, so I like to think that I have a little insight into this issue. Here's what I think of what's been said so far:
1) There are people who can get huge without using steroids. These people are genetically gifted. If you're not one of them, you're out of luck -- you can train hard and eat clean and you will definitely get big, but you'll never reach true bodybuilder status.
2) Using anabolic steroids increases muscle far beyond what you'd be able to achieve naturally, but it comes at a cost...
3) Here's a list of some of the complications I've seen in steroid users, some at the hospital, some in the gym:
-Impotence, which is very common
-Testicular shrinkage, which is also very common
-'Roid rage: resulted in the death of someone I know when he picked a fight with a cop
-Heart failure: Steroids can affect the heart in many different ways; I've personally seen two deaths from this. One was a high-school kid who had an enlarged heart from steroid use, one was a guy who blew out one of his heart valves because of steroids.
-Liver failure: also pretty common; I saw a guy in the hospital with huge tumors on his liver from anabolic steroid use
-Skin scarring/infections: can happen from the repeated injections
My advice: these drugs are potentially very dangerous. I've seen the harm they can do many times. Yes, some people will get lucky and have no problems, but do you really want to gamble with your health just so you can look big?