The fit to your body of the firearm you choose is just important as the caliber . Are you over 6 foot tall with a healthy arm length ... then a lot of firearms may not fit you so you can pull the gun up and properly put a cheek weld on the stock .The simple rule to remember is that it must be comfortable. What you want is a stock that you can pick up, close your eyes, shoulder the rifle, open your eyes and see the centre line of the sights or scope without having to adjust your body to fit the stock or move the rifle to fit your body.
You should instantly have the same position on the stock to your body every time you pull up the gun to fire without creeping up and down the stock to find the sweet spot . A bad fit of a firearm can cause bruising and missed shots down range . Go to your local gun shop and snap a few different models and makes into the firing position to see which one feels right to you . You may be one of the lucky ones to find a rifle that fits you without alterations to the firearm .There are ways of adjusting Original fit , feel and balance .
Length of Pull
Buttstock & Comb
Can all be adjusted by a qualified gunsmith for a nominal fee .
Those who can't laugh at themselves leave the job to others.