Before posting or contributing on this forum...
Are we ABSOLUTELY sure that this is a genuine part of TFP?
Isn't it possible, even likely that this forum has been inserted into our community by the NSA, acting on behalf of Homeland Security?
Once all the contributors, all the people who don't believe the cover-ups, and are maybe getting a bit too close to the truth are all together & identified......
Maybe I'm being paranoid.... But isn't that what this board is for?
Richard Nixon once said "Even Paranoids have enemies".
At this stage I'd just like to point out that I believe EVERYTHING that the US Government, British Government, CIA has put out as it's official line on ANY matter. I also believe both the NSA and MI6, even when they say they don't exist... Who doesn't exist? Never heard of them... I believe... Honest.
The enemy of your enemy is not neccesarily your friend.