i am becoming the master of skimming threads. i have chronic depressions and massive mood swings, so i can relate.
one thing you have to do is make changes. i do not mean 'i won't do this one negative thing as much'. No. if you are serious to furthering your life you have to fucking stop.
if you do pot or alcohol, stop until you know wtf is going on.
go try to find some interests and hobbies - then seek out people who have these interests also.
ifyou've not seen a psychologist (a shrink to talk to and work with) or a psychiatrist (someone who will help but not a confidant). period. i never had to see one more thance two or three times but i realized my demons by simply explaining my woes.
music. i dunno what you like, but music is extremly mood changing. be wary of negativity until you get better. and if you like hard metal or rap, there are lots of uplifting kind. hatebreed or shadows fall for metal or nas comes to mind.
this is a slow, if not life long, proccess. and i'm here a lot. need someone to talk to w/o worrying about privacy, pm me.
good luck.