Yup, it's a sideways oil filter. Guess I will continue to pay to have it done. I hate cleaning up oil mess.
cleaning it isn't bad at all. you could use some kitty litter or that tub of costco detergent to soak it up and sweep it away. pretty damn easy.
most cities offer pick up for used oil. they supposedly have a grant from the feds that pay them x amount for oil recycled. my city gave me a nice wide oil pan, when i get it full, i call the city and they have it picked up on the regular trash pick up day. talk to your city, they have lots to offer you.
if you forget to check other fluids, at least check your radiator fluid when the engine is cold. i made the mistake of overlooking it and overheated my car, warping the aluminum block, causing me to have to drive in the summer heat with the heater on cuz i was too broke to fix it. but alas, we pulled it apart, sent it to a machine shop and had it resurfaced. works great now and i know to check it always.