Originally posted by VinnyWS6
I wish there was some way I could go back and change my life.
This is the key right here, because if you fall back into your old pattern then in a few days/weeks/months/years you will be thinking that same thing. This is your chance to change your life, this is the chance that you would be referring to if you were to say that same sentence in the future, and this is the chance you would be wishing you didn’t waste. Sure it may suck now, it may suck tomorrow, it may suck for a couple weeks but it WILL pay off and you WILL be happy you stuck it out.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with you. You just have to choose to be happy. I know that sounds like a load of crap but its true. You know that in the long run if you want to be happy you need to quit smoking weed, so make the choice to be happy and quit. Change is never easy but it usually feels great once you do it.
If you want to change your life, start small. Change your morning routine, wear your watch on the wrong hand, anything no mater how small. You will find that the smallest things still make you feel as though you are making an effort to change for the better, it makes you realize that even though your life may not have caught up with the changes yet, it is the new you because you are doing things differently than the old you did them.
Don't expect things to change over night but know that if you stick it out, you will never have to repeat the phrase quoted above ever again.
P.S. concerts are also something cool to do. If you know of anyone interested in the same kind of music see if they want to go, even if you dont know them that well. Even if you go by yourself concerts are still fun and you never know who you will meet.