Few things in the gaming industry have inspired me more than the tremendous work put forth by the mod community in general. One for me is Flashpoint, which I bought in Europe months before they came out here in the states, and Falcon 4.
Anyhoo, the scripting language in Flashpoint is little short of incredible. One of my favorite missions/mods is the Chain of Command mod, which simulates commands of multiple squads and armored units.
As for modifying the game's internal 3d models, many people have been working on the Flashpoint 1985 forums to modify the config.bin file which largely governs sound, but can also be repointed towards replacing the stock weapons 3d files. I know the INQ weapon pack has a config.bin mod which replaces all the weapons (and optionally sounds) with higher detail models. Different mod groups are collaborating on a project to create an easier means to modify the config.bin files so things in the game can be swapped out or replace the stock models.
All in all, this game will never get old, even after Flashpoint 2 comes out at the end of 2004.
Monty this seems strange to me.
The movies had that movie thing,
but nonsense has a welcome ring
and heroes don't come easy.