Even if your parents are disappointed in you, they will always love you, in whatever way they can. There are always selfish parents who are disappointed because they think you reflect on them in some way; but mostly it's been my experience that parents only want what's best for their children. They want them to be happy.
Do things for yourself, not for them.
That said, if their disappointment bothers you perhaps it's because they're touching on something that bothers you as well? I know when my mother used to bother me most it was because she was articulating things I had thought myself, but had rationalized away or ignored. That's not to say that she was always right, but just that she was saying things that I had already thought (questioning my decision to get married at a young age, questioning my career choices, etc.) - it was just that I was already sensitive about those topics and had some doubts or regrets myself, but to hear them coming from her they were harder to ignore.
"If ten million people believe a foolish thing, it is still a foolish thing."
- Anatole France