I got so annoyed when my wife and I were engaged that she had to stop me from offering to show off my vasectomy scar. Don't have one, but hey.
Really if you aren't planning to have, you need to break that to them, if it is a matter of waiting, back to what Twotimesadingo said. or you can always use the guilt card, "we want to be in a position where we can spend as much as or more time with our children" depending on how much your inlaws and dad worked.
Especially effective on workaholic fathers or women who feel guilty about working while you were little.
So when did they stop making the "it'll hapen soon, just you see" comments and start with the nagging? That was the one that pissed me off, no there is birth control.
Kids are great, when you want them, when you can afford them, and when you are ready to be a good parent.