I found the fact that I have to uninstall all my video codecs to get the audio to work exremely annoying. However the game is kinda fun, other then the fact that I beat the thing in 12 hours. I had a LAN this past weekend and we had a 4 player server going, that was kinda fun, and I imagen that if I was to play online it would be good too. I suggest you guys try a few of the mods, its kinda interesting and some of the time its fun to get a Darkstar fighter (i think thats the name) and 4 of his LVL 10 weps, and demolish everything from the top to the bottem of the whole system, just for you who dont know what the Darkstar is, its a ship from an upcomming mod that costs $2mill, has a sick amount of armor ( Ithink 200k) and the weps for it do around 30k dmg and have a 120k range. LOL