Thread: Cheaters
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Old 07-30-2003, 10:20 PM   #1 (permalink)
Location: On another plane of existence

I play online games such as Quake 2 and 3, Unreal Tournament, BF1942 ,CS,GR, et all. What amazes me is that there are so many people. in so many different OLG genres,who go beyond cheap playing styles and use game hacks in order to win.

I have never understood the rationale behind using a cheat and how a person that employs them can feel any sense of true victory. I mean for god sakes, is their life so pathetic that they must resort to trickery, in the realm of a computer game, to shore up their decrepit self esteem? To cheat in a virtual reality world and gain notoriety through the application of surreptitious devices or furtive programs is indicative of a very disturbed individual.

How do they celebrate this nontransferable achievement in the real world? Does the explanation come with a rather large asterisk, denoting that the vafrous feat was achieved with a “corked bat”? Or is their universe so small and their life so emotionally diminished, that this game is the only thing in which they can have some semblance of control? And they have to cheat in order to achieve even this?

How delusional is it to gloat in the mere application of some software program found on the internet and misconstrue this a true reflection of superiority? What sort of synaptic malfunction allows them to equate this tarradiddle as some sort of personal achievement based on skill? Sad. How very sad.

When you confront some one about using a hack,the audacious claims of innocence and the indignant counter volleys are nothing more than further cries for help.

So please, get some counseling and stop f@cking around with my entertainment time
si vis pacem, para bellum
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