Personally, I agree with most of what has been said about girls wanting to fill the void their father left. I also think the question lurkette raised about other factors being considered is very important. A little background about me.... I was basically raised without a father. My parents divorced when I was 5 or so. At that time my dad decided he had his own life to focus on for a while before his children could be incorporated into it. My brother and I lived with my mom and saw my dad maybe once a month and then it was for a day visit. It has only been in the last couple of years that I see my dad on a regular basis (I'm 18 now) and still yet a regular basis consists of every- other weekend. My mom dated my step father for 7 years before they got married 4 years ago, but they have never lived together and probably never will. I know, confusing. Anyway, to the point.. I didn't become sexually active at a young age (just this year). I give my mother credit for that because she was very open with us, not to mention the fact I always wanted to please her. I guess my imput into why a girl may do this is beacause she lacks the control in her own life and can get that from a relationship, especially in a relationship that involves sex. As far as the step-father issue, when you add the fact another person (someone who for a large part the girls don't have a choice in) is becoming part of their already unbalanced family.. there goes the last bit of routine and control they had. I don't really know... just an idea thrown into the mix.