grandkids - wtf?!?
So maybe some of the elder TFP-ers (or those with kids) can help me understand why people with adult children seem to have this insane drive for grandchildren? What is behind this? Is it the urge to spoil and snuggle someone cute for which you have no real responsibility? Is it an evolutionary drive to be sure your genes really do get passed on beyond your own kids? Is it some sadistic means of torturing your adult kids? My mom is pretty laid back about the whole thing, but my dad and my in-laws seem to be incapable of holding an entire conversation without suggesting that I've pissed around long enough, and where are the grandbabies already?!? (And it is usually aimed at me, the woman, rather than my husband. Why?!?)
"If ten million people believe a foolish thing, it is still a foolish thing."
- Anatole France