Steriods will ruin your inside totally! .. you will rott up inside, literally!
There are many types of Anabolic Steroids and i suggest you to find another place to look for answers. There are loads of places with info about these drugs.
And no, sideeffects are not rare at all. They _will_ happen ..
The more you use, the more it will happen. Your liver will be destroyed.
Anyways, next question ..
There are surtain drugs you can take that will make you grow without the use of workout .. But these are only given to human midgets so their bones will grow, and thereby they will get a bigger size.
The thing about these drugs is that you can't control where you grow, (docters might be able to control em) .. Which means that there is a chance that your heart will grow, and finally burst. And no, you will not survive this.
And btw, your attitute towards working out sounds very very ill. Its like you don't wanna workout, but you wanna gain muscle ??
First of all, my advice to you is:
Start working out ..
If you wanna get slim, read this:
If you wanan grow and get strong, read this:
And erm ..
Drugs are bad for you .. Mmkay?