411: This is the boyfriend in question speaking, yes I do have my own login on this board but I accidentally posted this originally under her name (stupid cookies). I also have her permission to post about this in her thread.
Here's the dilly for you folks, and for you, my wonderful girlfriend.
I want you to know that I love you very much, really, a lot. I mean it. Secondly, I have gotten *much* better at the "trust" issue - I was not even going to ask this week. And when I did, it was a simple "How was the drinking this week?" - I would hardly call it an interrogation.
In concerns to sexymama's post of "It sounds like he may be concerned from past events. His concern will eleveate over time.", this is very much the truth and I thank you for the respect instead of saying that we have a giant trust problem here (like most of the other posters).
She and I are also underage! This should be the number one reason to not drink, is because it is illegal. At this corps there are many underage drinkers and I feel it is very respectable and intelligent of a person our age to refrain from drinking - thus the reason I do not drink nor want my girlfriend to drink either. I have come a long way in my trusting of her and once again came extremely close to not even asking this week. I do not "grill" her (as you said), I'm not that disrespectful.
As far as the "have one drink but do not get drunk" theory goes, that would be fantastic but as I said we are both underage. Therefore, one is as bad as the other in my book. Once we turn 21, that's fine with me. I know that I would not mind having a beer once in awhile with a nice steak or something in the future; So if she is up there and they are all getting drunk just for the sake of getting drunk, then hey whatever, she can have a drink or two. It wouldn't be the best, but it's better than nothing. I definitely would not approve if she got drunk. I know that even when I am 21, however, I will not want to get drunk as I do not enjoy the idea of becoming a complete and utter buffoon, losing all self-respect and being drunk off my keister. Responsible drinking would be having a (singular) beer or wine with dinner, because they taste good and are a nice thing to have once in awhile. Beer/wine is different than mixed drinks however, or something say Bacardi Silver where the only purpose of drinking is to, well, get drunk. Not responsible.
I feel it is a strength of mine to not drink and have friends that do not drink, and do not succumb to peer pressure. Sadly, my girlfriend has not been so lucky and has many friends that get drunk on a semi-regular basis both here at home and on a regular basis at corps, which is my main reason for concern. I know that it is hard for her to refrain herself from drinking when all her friends are...not refraining. I also know that she loves me a lot and she has promised me that she will not drink nor do something so unrewarding to compromise our relationship, so I trust her and believe that she will uphold her promise.
That's the straight-up.
Last edited by sharonz; 07-29-2003 at 09:17 PM..