It wasn't freaking mace. It was pepper spray.
There is a big goddamn difference between the two. I have also had some experience with pepper spray training, however, I was not required to take a full shot in the face. We simply had to put on latex gloves, and rub some under our eyes, on our faces. You get the idea.
Either way,
Mace is a tearing agent. It makes your eyes and nose run so much you can't see very well.
Pepper spray is a whole hell of a lot more painful...
It strips the moisture off your eyes, blinking feels like fire. It is also a mad skin irritant, so your face feels like it's burning.
I understand people use the terms synonymously, but the experiences are quite different. I'd take a shot of mace over pepper spray anyday.
I can sum up the clash of religion in one sentence:
"My Invisible Friend is better than your Invisible Friend."