I play Ghost Recon, Rogue Spear, Raven Shield and many other combat games.
Operation Flashpoint is the most realistic combat simulation game out there. The Mod community is full of creative map makers and mission designers. Some of them suck, but the majority surpass the original game designers expectations. I have over 2 gigs of new missions and weapon mods. They have made whole new worlds, vehicles and armies. BF1942 was inspired by the game play of Flashpoint. The game comes with a mission editor that is quite easy to use and you can create your own stuff.
The ability for the player to alter his approach to the missions goals is astounding. In one mission the objective was to place satchel charges to disrupt a convoy. Instead, I sniped the driver of the lead truck, got in the truck parked it across the road and caused the convoy to take a different route. They took a path where I had set up an mine ambush.
The graphics are not of the Unreal engine quality.This is because the size of the game world is huge. You can drive/walk/fly from one end of a continent in real time. I was lucky and only played the demo once or twice before I got the game. Don't let the demo turn you off. The game I have has been patched several times with most of the known issues addressed. The one shot kill only happens if its a head shot.
Im really looking forward to OPflash 2 thats coming out!!
si vis pacem, para bellum
Last edited by kirk44; 07-29-2003 at 02:31 AM..