I had the same problem once, but i experienced that it had nothing at all to do with the blood in your body. For goodness sake, you already had it up once.
Its a mental thing i tell ya. And in my case it was because i was feeling i had alot to perform.
I was always thinking, 'This girl had other, can i ever get as good as them' .. And when i thought that, slowly but steady my cock would look downwards .. During that time, when you can feel it coming down, you start to think, 'No, no no no .. get up .. get up' .. And for the record, it only made things worse
My solution was to find a drive that kept me going .. a thing that made me want more ..
My way of thinking might be a guy thing, but here is what i did.
I found out that i was SO into make the girl want more, make her give you those naughty looks. Always think that she is gonna get it. And if she doesn't say something .. Then just give her more ..
If you got yourself a moaning girl, Then its alot easier, this way you can think, 'Oh, so she is moaning???, Now she should really get some' ..
With all this, im not saying that its best hard .. Im not telling you to do it rough or anything .. Im just telling you to think roughly. And maybe give her abit of naughty looks. They love it
And it will keep you going
And once again mate, Think happy thoughts! .. don't begin to fear your performance! .. You rock .. you are the best! .. And you know it! ..
Say it