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Old 07-23-2003, 09:56 PM   #1 (permalink)
Memnoch's Avatar
Location: Land of milk and honey - Wisconsin
Music you *can't* listen to.

I'm sort of weird...there are certain musical groups that I enjoy thoroughly...and yet...I can't listen to them, because of certain things they do to me, emotionally and mentally. One example is slipknot's self titled album...I can't listen to it while I'm driving. I become waaaayyy too prone to road rage. I figured that out when I got my fourth ticket in two years and realized that all four times I had been listening to slipknot at the time I got pulled over. So I don't listen to them in car anymore. Another example is Otep...I can't listen to them at all. Ever. The suffering in her voice gives strength to something inside me that I'd rather not ever have to deal with ever again. This part of me feeds on it...doesn't identify with it, but enjoys and wishes it were what had caused her suffering. For those that don't know, the lead singer is female, and was raped repeatedly when she was a young child. I don't like that part of me...and until I can find a way to handle it, I have to suppress it. Then there's Michael Jackson...I know, I know, it's awful, but no matter what mood I'm in, I can't listen to his "Dangerous" album, because it will make me cry like a little baby. And I don't mean the silent tears...but huge, shaking sobs.

Do any of you have similar experiences with bands? Or maybe different experiences, but still leading to a point where you just can't bring yourself to listening to the band anymore?
Doing my best not to end up like Kathleen Chang.
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