I, myself, am... well, nothing in particular. Honestly, I don't know what I believe. I just know what I DON'T believe. You could probably tag me as some sort of agnostic, or possibly an atheist. It's sort of a result of having learned far too much about far too many religions, spiritualities, faiths, and philosophies all at one time (that time being when I "fell away" from Christianity).
Anyways, you see bickering in just about any group you go to. Politics, religion, social systems, philosophies... anything and everything that people can bitch at other people about, they'll bitch.
Generally, I tend to be more of an anarchistic thinker myself. I figure that everyone should make up their own damned minds, and keep them open. If anyone ever becomes entirely set it their ways, I disapprove. I think that everyone should keep "improving" themselves, 'cause hell... nobody's ever going to be perfect, but at least we can try. My personal goal, which I know that I will never achieve, is to become omniscient. I'm always looking out for new philosophies and belief systems, so that I can take what I see as the good bits out of them and incorporate them into my own belief sets. This does, of course, mean that I don't entirely believe in any absolutes. Good, evil... light, dark... whatever you want to call them, I don't think they exist. At least not as we know them.
In any case, I used to be a Christian.
Now I'm not.