Yes...I am back, with the same problem, as some of you may remember.
Here's the story. I finally have all my parts to build my computer! WOOT! I carefully put everything together and double check it. I boot up and install XP. "Wow! This is going really smooth! Maybe it will work on the first time!" Wrong....
A7N8X NON-deluxe
2800+ Barton Core
512 ddr400
350 watt power supply - atx
80 GB 7200rpm Western Digital
56x Mad Dog CD-Rom
Sony Floppy
Albatron :? GeForce4 Ti 4200 128mb
So after installing XP I start installing drivers for the modem, audio, video card, etc. When I get to the video card (Albatron GF4 ti4200) I install the drivers from the CD that was in cluded. I think they were the Detonator 40.11 drivers. So, they finish installing the Detonator drivers and it promts me to restart. Ok. Windows loads, and hell decides to move into my computer.
SDHBSEIOPRGNLKEDNSG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <==Represents my anger
. Quite a few things happen. When ever anything on the screen changes (ei: clicking "start," single clicking an icon, right click on the desktop, etc - simple gui changes) the monitor will seem the turn off, then turn back on, showing the change. Also I get random resolution changes, and pixels do not display correctly.
My conclusion is that I do not have enough power for the video card, but I would like to here your input too. If you have ANY, yes ANY, ideas please post
Thank you,
P.S. I have already RMA'ed this same card twice because of the same problems listed above :?