Originally posted by Donkeypuncher
So... you actually believe it when a woman tells you that you're "thinking with your dick"? Friend, you think with your brain. Your preferences, biases, pre-judgements, fears... they're all in your head. If you hated spinach as a kid but like it now, it's not because your tongue has a will of its own and didn't like the spinach - that is something that happened along the way when you changed your mind.
No man, I still hate spinach. I still hate steamed broccoli, too. I don't like lamb even though I'm a meat lover, and I don't like sweet alcholic drinks even though I like being drunk.
It's just the way it is. Free will cannot conquer things you simply DO. NOT. LIKE.
This would be an easier discussion if it wasn't so clear you had an agenda to make us realize that we're all closet bisexuals, but it is not going to work. I like pussy, not penis. Maybe I cannot quite understand why you don't feel the same way, but I accept it. Accept this. Most people are simply, quite irreversably, hetereosexual.