"Isn't it rather silly to deny an attraction based on the genitals/revelation of gender?"
No. Its not society, but evolutionary traits, innate behavior. If pre-cambrian man started to go fuck whatever pleased them, the human species may have died out. Lucky we had advanced thinking.
"It's all in our heads and therefore all under our own control."
I disagree.
Although I understand you are talking about just simple stimulation here, and not reproduction. At one time in our development, these were the same. Modern life with all of its advancements has caused the two to seperate. This separation is widening. Soon, the two will not be related, like in Demolition Man.
Why do we put these bounds on ourselves?
What purpose does it serve?
The survival of mankind once depended upon this. Not any more, now that we have medicine, technology, and laws. We stopped evolving and pretty soon all of these survival-jeopardizing tendencies will explode into a cataclysm of hedonistic bullshit.
Then we'll get a natural disaster, everyone will die, and we'll start over again, from scratch.
Learn to swim.