Phantasy Star Online : Dcast/Xbox/GCube Who plays?
I used to play it for Dcast quite avidly, but I got to this one mission where you have to guard this little weakling dumbass who is barely useless and seems to be half retarded the way he doesn't want to use potions!!! I busted out my Dcast yesterday evenin' and played the mission, I got farther than I ever did only to get a really sour surprise, to complete the mission you have to beat the boss from the Caves...AGAIN!!!!
I have considered just pounding on the dragon from the forsest 7000 times to level up enough and find a good enough weapon to just off the freakin wurm in a few shots before the guy I'm guardin' goes stupid...but god knows how long that would take!
And just yesterday I was playing on Gcube with 3 other friends and it wasn't too bad. We beat up the dragon once, but in the process two people died, so me and my friend made a cool 500 exp a piece. Not too bad.
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