Whilst we are on the bug topic, I have been searching for about a week regarding one that I saw on my car.
I am in Southern Ontario as well. My wife and I were walking to the car when we saw this fly roughly 2 to 3 inches long. It looked similar to the cicada posted by platypus, but it was gloss black with clear wings. Nothing else. It was nearly invisible on my car as it is black as well.
It looks to be in the horse fly family, but that's all I can find out. I really wish I had my camera on me.... I normally do, but the real estate lady we were with said no pictures allowed so I left it at home.
Any thoughts?
After hitting the link Platypus posted, I had read there were indeed 9 types of cicada that are common in Canada.. I think it was one of those, though I am still looking at picks for more.
It does look alot like this one:
It may be a Tibicen chloromera... whatever that is heh.