One time, I was flipping through the channels, and there was a scene with two long-blond-haired heads making out in a bathtub, so I was like hell yeah. Then they stood up and got out.....................boing. They were transexuals. That really perturbed me.
That's exactly my point.
I mean, the form was there, the attraction was sparked - until the uglies were revealed.
Isn't it rather silly to deny an attraction based on the genitals/revelation of gender?
If those 2 "ladies" had just stayed in the tub, fooling about long enough for what i suspect was occuring to be brought to completion... How/what would you have felt/thought then?
Boxing yourself into a sexual catagory and then rejecting forms of stimulation that come from outside the accepted sources of that box.
It's all in our heads and therefore all under our own control.
Why do we put these bounds on ourselves?
What purpose does it serve?
I'm not trying to say that everyone is bisexual, just that everyone is sexual, without boxes or limitations.
Something like that.
I need to think this through a bit more.