Originally posted by motdakasha
I would just like to say that if what I thought was a woman with a hot ass that turns out to be a man (or vice versa), I do not experience *SHOCK, HORROR*.
i did once. i was at a halloween party at my frat and me and two of my bro's are looking at this girl standing at the edge of the dance floor dressed like i dream of genie. she had an ass that would make a blind man weep. so we're ogling her and all of a sudden she turns around. to our horror, she's ian, one of my pledge brothers. (also, while his tits were fake, he looked damn sexy from both the front and the back).
one other instance, i was at my friends play, he's a theater major. they were doing lysistrata, and there's some character that is a girl that they decided to do as a transvestite (or maybe it's always been a transvestite, i don't know) and anyways, through out the play, i'm watching with a lady friend, and we can't tell for sure if the person playing the character is a guy or girl. all of a sudden s/he comes out on stage wearing a thong and plastic breasts. now we find out it definatly is a he, and he has a nicer ass then most girls i see on the street. funny thing is, after the show when we're looking for my friend the actor, i hear a name over the loud speaker telling some guy to be there a certain time the next day, and the name was the same name of a kid who lived next door to me when i was 5-7 years old. turns out it's the same kid. and he's flaming. but with a really really nice ass.