okay I'm gonna try this new thread thingy
I wanted to post something original and interesting, but I am in Love(I hope), and know alls I want to talk about is him! So, I thought for a long time what would I post that wouldn't sound too gushy, mushy and palin Yuck!!
So it hit me just the other day, I came up with not one post but two but, I am going to combine them!
First of all I realize that different people, from different, backgrounds, genders, ages, have different meanings for everything. That alone makes me want to know this ! Then we take into account pat emotional baggage and it can get really confusing!!
So here I go, What is your definition of Love ?
Complex question I know! But hey I'll go first!!
LOVE- to love someone is to want their happiness above all else, to be soo competely blind to their faults, idiosychroses, and overall bad moods, to want to give freely of yourself by opening up to show who we really are, what we really want, and bending to fit your significant other ino that and exery other aspect of your life, to want to share everthing regardless of what it is. To know you would give your life for them without thinking of the consequences. to respect their opinions even if it isnt yours. to respect them as a person, a whole person, to want to give more of yourself that you ever thought you could.
ANd that is only a breif explaination of my thought on the meaning of love!
Now my second part is please share the most special thing a guy/girl has ever done for you?
Fir me this happened rather frequently, Two days ago, I broke out in hives really bad at like 4 in the morning. my bf helped me by running bath water to help stop the hellacious itch, thenm when i got short of breath and weak he helped me out of the tub, helped me to bed, and looked for my meds for two hours trying find them. Then I lost it and got prety hysterical by crying, couhging and all out being a weak minded individual (I now JUST LIKE A WOMAN)! He didn't get aggravated or exasperated, instead he held me and whispered in my ear until I calmed down and relaxxed! Then he continue the quest to find my meds. He stayed by my side that whole morning even after i was asleeep. He didn't sleep at all that night and had to work at 7 the next morning. It was the most wonderful thing any guy has ever done for me! My honey restored my faith that there are a few good ones left!! SORRY LADIES I GOT ONE OF THEM!!