Originally posted by nfa
Is this normal, or should I suspect something more?
I'm guesing by something more you're worried something traumatic has happened in her past?
I can think of a bunch of possibilities, the most likely of which is she's concerned about pregnancy, or has some religious/ethical concerns about sex that mean she's comfortable with giving but not recieving, both of which are pretty common.
In those cases, she may fear that letting you go down on her will lead to penetration.
Or she may have been attacked in the the past. Or be uncomfortable with how she looks "down there" (quite a common hang-up).
There's no real way of guessing, but what you're doing in response to that is all fucked up. Distancing yourself will, at best, likely cause her to decide you're a jerk and walk, or at worst, exacerbate whatever problems/issues she's having. Don't act like a jerk about it.
What I'd recommend is you have a talk about it - and not while you're playing, but some other time when you're not both emotionally and physically jazzed up. Explain that you while you enjoy getting, you'd enjoy doing some giving, and you're confused that she doesn't seem interested. Make it easy for her to explain - it may be something as simple as having her period or just not being in the mood. Talking in a calm setting will avoid it becoming a drama.