Doctor! Verify this before you go any further! It may well be... and it may not. Find out for sure. Doctors don't care one way or the other and you won't be the first or last person they see regarding an STD and you might just find out it's nothing to worry about at all.
Even if it is HPV, it's not a death sentence. People blow this stuff up far worse than it needs to be. Did you know 4 out of every 10 people you know has HSV? There's just such a big stigma about it, nobody will talk about the topic. Most STDs, even if the virus can't be eradicated, can be controlled very well with suppersiev drugs and don't need to interfere with your everyday life, or even your sex life, very much at all. It's a minor annoyance, at best, for most.
Relax a bit. Find out what it is for sure and act accordingly. There are some good online resources for supoprt regardnig this stuff should you need it.
But yeah...I completely understand why you feel like you do.
"take me down, little *Susie*, take me down
I know you think you're the Queen of The Underground"