Lost out on a promotion - How to deal?
I lost out on an important early-promotion opportunity yesterday, and it's left me feeling very bitter/depressed/angry. I knew, on a conscious level, that not getting it was always a possibility, but I think sub-consciously I was too confident. The reason being everyone I work with, including my chain, thought I was deserving of it, and it definitely pumped me up.
So the promotion went to someone else in my organization, who, while not necessarily worse than me, certainly wasn't better.
So I'm left wondering, what does he have that I don't have? And sure, my unit wants me and cares about, but what about the larger organization?
*sigh* It's like these last 2 years of hard work are meaningless, and I might as well have been one of the slackers/dirtbags who cooled their heels for the last 2 years, and are going to get promoted at the same time as me.
Okay, enough venting. And before you tell me to suck it up, believe me, I've been telling myself that for the last 24 hours now.