Originally posted by HarmlessRabbit
You say that as-if the "gay community" is some big membership group that has a big convention every year to plan the "gay agenda".
There is a reason that I used quotes, and also referred to "gay groups". The whole of gays (aka community), myself included, are being vocally represented by a minority (aka groups) who are shameless elitests. So in the end, being gay has been turned from merely a sexual preference to a complete lifestyle which has its own strict set philosophical and political beliefs. That, in my opinion, is wrong and something that I do not want to be a part of.
Originally posted by HarmlessRabbit
It's the uptight sexual morals of middle-america the produce many of the problems in the USA today. In Europe, if you turn on Canal+ after 10pm you get hardcore porn on public TV, and I don't see european kids turning into sexual deviants. People who act like "gay" is a sickness that will rub off on their kids if they see too much of it are funny.
Tell me again how hardcore porn on public TV will solve our problems.
I think you are really off-base here.
Originally posted by HarmlessRabbit
With the USA divorce rate around 50%, I'm wholly unconvinced that the "straight" population has any skill whatsoever at raising kids or having a good marriage. Our of my entire circle of friends, I can think of ONE person whose parents are still married, on their first marriage, and still like each other. In fact, how about we outlaw straight marriage for a few years and give the gay population a chance? They certainly can't do any worse.
I agree with you here. However, good luck on gay parenting skills being seen as anything but laughable while the community itself is seen as sex-crazed cross-dressing fruits that will suck anything for a dollar. The public image of gays in the US is not a positive one, and will remain negative as long as such ridiculous stereotypes are reinforced by the politically inactive public.